My hatered for stack overflow has been incredibly increasing every day.
-Was struck in a basic problem for last 16 hours.. finally solved it at 2:am, was very happy.
- its quite a nice situation with fragments in Android, so thought of writing an example q/a on stack overflow.
- its FUCKING 7 am. It took me an hour to document my code(mind you, i always document in the best way possible, created a nice readme.md file) , and when it comes to uploading, it says " your question seems to have mismatch index". Well, fuck it, but okay i will edit it.
-Edited whole code, made sure it looks fine in preview pane , pressed upload.
-same fucking answer... for past 3 hours i have been trying to add questions and answer in various possible ways but that shit don't want to accept it..at the end uploaded the md to my github profile and added a fucking link there...
Please, someone upvote that damning link, i qant some repo their so i could ask other authors with questions in the comment sections(and if possible, add back my code into my answer) ;____;


  • 1
    Will deff check it out once i am close to my pc my dude
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    Well i guess some of you guys have shown a little love, thanks a lot❤

    what in the name of fucking hell, dear stack overflow, its an example question.I have tried to answer multiple questions at once. Can't you just stop being a an asshole for a minute and let the viewers decide if they like it or not? You have seen it that it's not a question on weather sasha grey like spaghetti or bananas so its not a span... :/
  • 1
    Its still -1, i would really request anyone reading to upvote more on that question.
    Sorry, i never begs for upvotes but this time, its necessary :'(
  • 0
    This thing is unclear^10.
  • 1
    @PrivateGER yeah i know. when i posted it there, i was sleep deprived for past 30 hours and so, i was very irritated and posted everything just like that.

    Now i feeel that those SO guys were somewhat right , it really was quite unclear.

    I have again edited the answer and the question, please check them out.
  • 1
    Now that's better.
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