Make sure to keep your clients regular... Cause if they do not have their daily shits, it will migrate to their brain, and a shitty idea will spawn... Avoid having a new shit offspring, keep clients regular...

  • 1
    Looks like something interesting happened. Elaborate please.
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    @dr-ant they wanted a "small" alteration on the already complex verification process, now we are verifying even more times, requiring additional information and verification of that information, as well as additional info and once you're done with that whole process we need to keep verifying the user.... So if they log in at home, and log in at work our system is now coded to freak out and verify the shit out of them.... Until the surrender or succumb to frustration... Its just unnecessary in my opinion... But at least it's secured.... Would be less frustrating if I have not been waiting more than 7 hours for the fucking brief! Has to be done tomorrow.... - cracks open red bull-
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    @GhostDev oh no. Stupid client.
    So buy keeping client regular you mean that keep having regular meetings with them?
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    @dr-ant nope I mean make sure they poop daily.... Otherwise the poop turns into a poop idea... 😛
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