
I am currently working for a client who have all their data in Google Sheets and Drive. I had to write code to fetch that data and it's painful to query that data.
I can definitely relate with this.

PS: Their last year revenue was over US$2 Bn and one of their sibling company is among Top IT companies in the country.

  • 6
    There are so many levels above database
  • 1
    oh gosh still dont believe this
  • 2
    Omg that image is the best... also sounds like a huge pain... my C# professor loves to make us parse data in the weirdest of ways... like having us read in a json file, then split it in the weirdest way, then parse is manually... all for the sake of teaching some niche C# function
  • 0
    I'm currently working on a personal project which fetch data from Google sheets

    If everyone hates it this much I guess I shouldn't be posting the project here 😬

    Btw fetching that data isn't that hard
    SQL queries and client side scripts
  • 0
    @vlatkozelka Unless you're in India, I highly doubt that 😉
  • 1
    @DarKneT You can't write complex queries or simple where queries for Google Sheets. Their new API sucks a lot.
    I prefer to sync the data with a database every midnight on cronjob than to use Google Sheets for live requests. They are too slow. Google Drive APIs are not made for live requests from users. Probably use databases or cloud storage for those.
  • 0
    @gaurdianaq That's actually a good thing. I remember the times, when .Net had no json parsers and I had to write my own. Those are the tasks that actually give you the core knowledge.
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