
For school I have to make an attandance tracking application for a school with a group of students. First of all we HAVE to use polymer for our webapp which is absolutely absurd. It is driving us all mad that all this functionality is so complicated and that default js functions are rewritten just to work with polymer and it is just a pile of shit.

Then secondly only half the team is motivated (or at least till today) and really tries to write some fucking code and the other half is just does not fucking turn up, leave urly and wordt of all: they just look at there screens and sit there like shitis just gone get done.

I am so fucking tired of unmotivated people

  • 1
    Tip: try to use redux with polymer. Is going to make your life much better
  • 1
    Try out Polymer 3 with lit-element. Is all vanilly JS with nice ES6 Template Strings.
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