When you have a bizarre bug that you can't consistently reproduce, but you're already past your deadline.

  • 1
    I once do that. Keep laughing...
  • 4
    ... but users will be able to reproduce bug regularly. ;)
  • 3
    But users cant explain what they did to reproduce it..
  • 4
    Yes if you turn the phone to landscape then to portrait do it really quickly and click the menu button twice the ui buttons go slightly off, it is absolutely essential that we get this bug fixed before we release and won't pay the other 50% until it's done so we will keep the project running for another few months because we think we understand tech but don't!!!!! Client I don't understand why we have to pay for upgrades and maintenance shouldn't it just work from now until the end of time!
  • 3
    @sedev - said every client ever.
  • 3
    @Swifticus it's actually quite hard to explain to someone would doesn't get tech tho isn't it they make you feel like a cold caller ripping of your own grandma
  • 1
    @sedev damn, move this to a whole new rant
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