Just got to test the app from the frontend team... Oh God why!!
5 minutes, found 5 bugs (c'mon testers!!)

Worst (and now it's a rant) why do designers insist on working with big screens and don't test it on a standard screen? You know? Those typical screens your users are using?

So, it looks great in a 24" screen but the focus is terrible in a 15.6" screen... No time to fix it... What should I tell the users? Works better at 85% zoom out? -_-

You just fucked up the main feature of the app! Congrats!!! The rest looks okay I guess

  • 2
    >> why do designers insist on working with big screens?

    Fuck, I had this problem with our designers a couple of times. I always thought it was just them. Apparently not
  • 0
    Are there even displays smaller than 24" in the era?
  • 1
    I don't mind they use big screens to work... I do too... But, test what you are doing in a regular person's screen dumbass!
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