Build Phase Scripts in Swift

Project Type
Existing open source project

Build Phase Scripts in Swift

I have published an article about using Swift as scripting language. What do you think? As for me it’s cool. Less context switching, the same tools and frameworks etc
Tech Stack
Swift, iOS, Xcode, mobile app development
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  • 0
    I tried, I failed, but I’ll give it a try.
  • 0
    I tried, I failed, but I’ll give it a try.
  • 0
    Awesome! I'm looking for how to make it work with localized keys in the many `InfoPlist.strings` files.
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    @Crazyrems what’s the task? Do you want to check non-empty string in Localizable.strings?
  • 1
    @artemnovichkov actually you can localize the very content of the `info.plist` with a localized plist named `InfoPlist.strings`, which you can find in the respective localized folders (en.lproj, fr.lproj, …).

    You just leave the fields empty in the main `info.plist` and write their translation in the corresponding `InfoPlist.strings`.

    So basically it's just the same script but with multiple plists.
  • 1
    @Crazyrems nice thought! I should update the script. Thank you!
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