I'm so used to SCSS, I'm sure I wouldn't be able to style shit with pure css.

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    Using CSS custom properties (variables) - CSS: Cascading Style ...
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    It'll probably come back to you but when you have to write out the nested class the long way you're going to hate your life.
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    @heyheni scss had variables for ages, what's so different with CSS vars? (genuinely asking because of lack of information, not trying to be an asshole)
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    @devrocket div#i .seriously .hope>i .die::before .that #ha p+p .ens{ }
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    @highonsleep yeah and de devs at w3c got envy and decided it's time for css to get some scss goodness. 🙂
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    @heyheni well alright then I'm gonna keep using my sweet baby jesuscss, thanks for the info 🙂♥️
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    @heyheni that's good to know.
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    I made a css tool for one of the frameworks I've been developing, I can use the "this" key word in selector and it auto binds a Id to the component and replaces any "this"s in selectors with "#id", also lets me use JS variables from the component in the styling, that one tiny change has made css so much more useful for me lol.
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