
Off course Linux is much better

  • 5
    Breaking the internet in 3, 2, 1...
  • 12
    No internet will not brake as its mostly run on linux
  • 16
    @cahva It also runs on physical hardware that's prone to failure. In Toronto a construction crew dug up a fibre bundle and severed it. After they realized what they did, they buried it and left like nothing happened. So half of Toronto or more was out of I telnet, halting government daily tasks, and then the ISP that owned the lone had to pay another construction crew to dig up the line again for repair. But they didn't know exactly where it was broken.

    Long story short, Linux might be a god among plebs, but don't underestimate how powerful idiots can be.
  • 2
    @sheeponmeth good post thx.
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  • 4
    @NoNameCode devrant without blocking is better than devrant with blocking
  • 0
    I agree we need a blocking feature
    maybe I will block my self
  • 1
    Joking aside, I think Wine emulates most Windows XP calls correctly already, so yes.
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