When you have so many projects you need your buddy to send you the good stuff all the way from America.

  • 4
    lol Canadian af, caffeinated af
  • 4
    What's up with the Win7? Don't get me wrong, better than Win8, just curious lol
  • 4
    @jhh2450 Stuck with Win7 Enterprise till infrastructure works out the "bugs" in Win10. I have Win10 at home and it's great. Never used 8 and I'm glad I skipped it.
  • 2
    Oh. I initially thought it was from the USA, given the name and the fact that it's from America.
  • 2
    @RememberMe it is, from USA sent to Canada. They spruced up the packaging though. :D
  • 3
    @Vip3rDev I knew it! Something called "Black Rifle" is more likely to be from the USA than Canada, lol
  • 6
    @Vip3rDev you mean "mapled up the packaging" :p

    Okay okay, I'll show myself out
  • 2
    @RememberMe 😂 *ba dum tssss*

    @Vip3rDev Ahh ok. Well consider yourself lucky; 8 was fucking garbage.
  • 2
    > Caffeinated as fuck
    > Canadian as f*ck, eh?

    I love that only the Canadian one is censored.
  • 2
    @Root it's cuz we're all a bunch of snowflakes up here. 😂😂
  • 2
    @Vip3rDev ❄🍁! Haha

    Edit: I'm honestly surprised there's no frosted maple leaf cereal, nor maple-leaf-shaped snowflakes.
  • 0
    @LordK checking it out now! Thanks for the tip! Always looking for coffee at developer strength.
  • 0
    I am now through 1 whole bag and I can safely say I've got most of the devs addicted at my shop.

    I've also cut down from 4~6 cups of regular coffee down to just 1 cup of this "developer strength" coffee.
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