
So I'm making an app with a classmate at school, but there's one huge problem. All the PC's and laptops at school are shit. The ICT departement at my school blocks almost everything on them. I can't install any program, open any file and I can't even open the command prompt! So I can't install Visual studio or any other IDE and basically can't do anything besides browse websites that aren't blocked. And they expect me and my classmate to make an app. Fortunately, my classmate has a spare laptop we can use, but it's really difficult for two guys to code on just one laptop. I asked my school if they could buy new laptops or if they could remove they restrictions on two laptops, but they don't want to do any of those things and now we're stuck with just one laptop. I don't know what to do. I fucking hate this!

(This doesn't have anything to do with the topic of the rant, but I just want to complain.)
There are a couple more things I hate about my school. At my school, everyone is forced to use iPads. I don't know why they don't just give us laptops instead of iPads (maybe just because there lazy). So my iPad's headphonejack and homebutton where broken for no reason and I had to get it repaired. But instead of going to an apple store or a repair shop, you need to go to the school's ICT department and get it fixed there. If you don't do that and go to a apple store or something, they will take your iPad and keep it forever! Even though you pay €200 for it every year! Also, the ICT department at my school is lazy as hell! You expect them to repair the iPad themselves, but they just send it to a repair shop. So it wouldn't even matter if I would go to the store myself! 😠 And they even do a really bad job at checking if the device even works after the repair, because I needed to get it repaired three times in a row! And don't even get me started on the bad WiFi connection.

  • 4
    sad story! 😶
    Hope you will get a solution for the problem soon. don't give up. make a great app.
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    @nsa94 Thanks!
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    Suffering from a similar problem regarding PCs being locked down, so I just set up a dynamic dns service on my home computer, and just remote desktop to it from the school computers so I can code. Hope this helps!
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    That's the most accurate school to enterprise practices.... Doesn't get much better unless you work for a start up or something.
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    @qdsp13 Thanks for the tip. I will try it out.
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    You could also use something like https://c9.io/ - essentially an online virtual machine and ide accessible through the browser.
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    @qdsp13 @Phippsaurus Thanks. I'll check both out.
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    @Phippsaurus I checked and the BIOS is locked. 😡 But it doesn't surprise me because my school blocks almost everything.
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    @TomW Remove CMOS battery?
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    @PrivateGER I would probably be kicked out of school if I did anything other then browse the web (with restrictions), so I don’t think they would like it if I would mess with the computers.
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