
I hate IT managers, how on earth some become ant form of manager is beyond myself.

I have a server with a hardware firewall. A client, based in the UK, with French offices is saying the server blocking their new French IP. I white-listed their IP address, still no luck.

That was a week ago.

After 4 international phone calls and nearly 30 emails I resolved the "issue".

Their so called "IT Manager" sent over the wrong IP. Instead of it starting with 46.* he sent over an IP starting 42.*, which was in fact being correctly blocked.

Suffice to say I charged the client a lot of money for the wasted time and international rate calls.

  • 2
    Makes sense to me. Always check the basics: is the computer turned on? is it connected to the internet? do you have a brain? are you sure it is working? really sure?
    try turning it on and off again....
  • 2
    @magicMirror That's what us IT-managers are thought. But most IT-managers, sadly, like any field forget everything after 10 seconds...
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