As a developer group, we may are looking for a designer for our start up. What makes a good desginer? What should we ask him?

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    Ask him of he uses tabs or spaces
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    What makes a good font?

    Actually how the fuck should I know? A chicken is probably a better designer than I am. One of the closest people to design around here is @Alice and she will pressure you to ask about the favorite color.

    But I do know my fonts, and I will wear down any developer in my team until he/she chooses one of my objectively good selection of free fonts (or paid even).
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    @Alice NO MORE HIMS
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    What their design philosophy is,
    Have a look at their folio,
    Pick out one you like the most; asked them about why they did it the way they did
    Pick out one you like the least; same thing as before
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    Hands on exam
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    Show them my designs. If they dont die of heart attack or at least go into a coma, they are shit designers.
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    @Alice i post a lot of them here
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    @sharktits uhh why are you doing a GET on pornhub
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    @growling because i needed to fill up the db with some sample data
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    @sharktits your name serves you well
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    @Alice ok how in the name of fuck does the link for your website work
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    @Alice the 🅱🔫.com, im lazy to search for peach eggplant emojis
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    @Alice im shook, how far has humanity come
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