Fuck I haven't taken setraline for 3 days. Life is shit. I don't want to live anymore.

My only comfort is the knowledge that this is a common feeling when coming of setraline.

Idk why im writing this. I guess that I just want people to know that mental issues are weird and some people aren't alone (*cough* *cough* Jason)

Your not alone. I don't want to live. I hate myself and everyone around me. I'm not good.

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    @Null-Device I guess everyone is different. I love setraline. It makes me feel that everything in life is fine (in high enough dosages) and that's nice. But when I forget to take it then everything just feels like the end of the world.
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    I'm self medicating with buspirone :p been waiting almost 3 years to see a psych :p
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    @ScribeOfGoD wtf, what county??
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    Self medication is not always the right path to take. I'm aware you've probably been waiting g for this comment, but I tried the same shit and things got exponentially worse as a result. I'm now on a transition period and the physical effects are really fucking hard, I shake like an alzheimers patient. I'm told that this will last for a few months at least. For the love of all that is holy, please try and sort something out.

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    @monr0e my clinition (counsoler) diagnosed me with depression, I've tried to see someone several times,each time something came up, now I'm waiting for them to hire someone to take over their case load, this was 3 years ago, still waiting. Not much else can be done as the only other psych place near me is an actual psych hospital, which I can't go to. I'm SOL atm
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    @ScribeOfGoD that's pretty shitty. Please try get into contact with someone. I wish you the best.
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    I’ve struggled with antidepressants and suicidal feelings for years.

    Coming off them was the best decision of my life.

    For me at least, they were an ineffective crutch that only made me worse.

    I read a phenomenal book - Lost Connections by Johann Hari and it just reaffirmed what I already knew.

    There’s actually surprisingly little evidence for the depression as a chemical imbalance argument, and you can bet the pharma companies push it hard anyway.

    Stay strong dude, coming off them is such a fucking awful experience.
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    @Brolls so whst you're saying is, people with depression aren't really sick? Or am I misunderstanding you?
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    @ScribeOfGoD no, it’s definitely symptomatic of an underlying problem, but there’s emerging evidence (and existing prevailing wisdom) that it’s largely because there’s something wrong with one’s life rather than one’s biochemistry.
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    @ScribeOfGoD and this is coming from someone that’s been suicidal for nigh on 10 years and really struggled with my mental health.

    The drugs keep you in an awful cycle of numbness and dependence.
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    @ScribeOfGoD of course. Your mileage may vary.

    But I have to say the book made an awful lot of sense, and it’s not a rinkydink outfit.

    I saw it advertised literally everywhere.

    Highly recommend it, even if just to expose you to a different view.
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