“Rust is going to replace C++...”

  • 5
    *long, long ago*

    "Cobol is going to replace Fortran..."
  • 4
    Some new programs that would've been written in c++ before will now be written in rust instead. With that c++ will loose shares to rust step by step.

    Try to slap that.
  • 1
    lol, no sjw lang is ever going to replace c++
  • 4
    Lol. Meanwhile, we js ppl: REPLACE EVERYFUCKINGTHING
  • 6
    Why not? I like rust.
  • 1
    Picked rust as a side language to learn during my principal of programming languages class this semester... I feel it's more complicated than C++ and there are just not enough library support yet.
  • 4
    @Sugar It is actually easier, at least in terms of writing good code. Once you get the hang of it, it'll be bliss with no such thing as an error and you'll also find you write significantly less code which is even more readable than C++
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