
I legit never understood the hate for VB.NET in the land of Microsoft development. To be entirely fair, I only used it it that one class at uni. But other than that I had never used it in the real world. The closest thing I had done with BASIC was VBScript, and even tho I was ok with it(even liked it) I damn well know that it is not something that I would use to build web apps with anymore.

But I am inclined to give VB.NET a chance only because I remember being able to make sense of my peers code in school. Just by reading it, sure it might be verbose as all fucking hell, but we were using VS(notice that i said VS not VS Code) and we had all the bells and whistles of autocomplete and intellisense.

Currently tho, I somewhat wanted to try a more modular approach to my fucking around with web apps, we are considering Rails and Django for a project at work. But since we already have windows servers we thought about the possibility of using .net core. We all like C# as a language and I did work with ASP.NET MVC before so we are considering that as well. That and our sys admin had tons of experience setting that as an environment. When developers are not too sure it is good to rely on the admin's expertise.

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