
Fuck fucking timezones!

  • 0
    Who's reading this in 2019 through the power of timezones?
    Yes, timezones suck. Especially in java's date api where they exist in calenders where you don't expect them and where they can fuck up entire exports on the client side.
  • 4
    Why don't we have same time all over the world? Means sunrise can be at 0500hrs in one country and 1700hrs in another country. Who dafuk cares? It never matches anyway. It could give us devs a lot less headache.
  • 3
    There’s a great computerphile video on this. Holy shit
  • 0
    You must be using Python
  • 2
    More than timezone, fuck date formats. Like how the fuck is there still more than one?
  • 0
    I am using PHP and wondered why the fuck this one feature wasn't visible on the site right after midnight (it's just visible on a specific date).
    Turned out the server's timezone was set to UTC.
    The server is in Germany, the pages on it are German, we are Germans, so why did nobody set the timezone of the server to Europe/Berlin?
    I just added some datetime-timezone-setters everywhere before I access any dates (two times in total). It was the middle of the night, I wanted to sleep and it works.
  • 5
    There's a great video on time zones by Tom Scott 😂:
  • 0
    @TobyAsE @greenscar yeah I got addicted in Timezone games in malls. Kinda expensive vice. I always swipe my timezone card @DeveloperACE @c3ypt1c
  • 1
    @Devnergy timezone card?
  • 1
    @c3ypt1c that’s the video I was referring to
  • 0
    @DeveloperACE Yeah Oh! Sorry I thought @TobyAsE was addicted to Timezone games 😏
  • 0
    @DeveloperACE oh shit, yeah. I didn't see your comment 😂
  • 1
    @c3ypt1c that’s ok lol. I was too lazy to post a link anyways so like whatever
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