Well I'm new to MacBook and it's OS, for like 1.5 months now, got pretty much hands on it to have my command over it. And as of now i am loving it ( since i came from Windows) judge me for it if you want to..🙄

Can you guys suggest some **MUST HAVE** tools/ programs/ apps, related or non-related to a programmer to make life easy on OSX?

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    A hammer to smash it 😉
  • 2
    iterm with oh-my
    Sequel pro
    Any required jetbrains products
    Cyberduck (ftp)
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    * Amphetamine (Prevents going to sleep)

    * Typinator (text expander)

    * F.lux (helps your eyes late at night)

    * Focus (block distracting websites)

    * Sublime text (text editor)

    * Todoist (for To Do)

    * Outlook (Work email, don't judge)

    * IM app of your choice

    * Music player of your choice

    * Browser of your choice

    * IDE of your choice

    This covers most use cases.
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    magnet - Window snapper

    hyper.js - high customizable terminal (not only for macos)


    etcher - make bootable drives, if you need something like this

    itsycal - smart, little calender tool for the menubar
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    Brew - With brew you get most of the cli tools you could miss from Linux and can avoid almost any proprietary stuff they want way to much money for :) zsh and tmux

    Alfred - spotlight on steroids with powerful extensions

    Forklift - norton commander like file explorer cause finder is the worst software ever

    Iterm2 - not sure if there are better terminals, but it was fine when I had to use OSX

    FileZilla - standard ftp client

    There are lot of articles about a Dev environment on OSX, just duckduck it :)
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    Thats all I can remember.
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