
Stallman heart failure recipe:

1. Start your UBUNTU LINUX(don't add the GNU part) and set up your .NET Core environment.

2. Download VS Code, the superior text editor for those that do not wish to have carpal tunnel.

3. Open the terminal inside your VS Code instance while inside a .net core project.

4. Type emacs -nw and watch emacs come to life inside of the terminal while living inside of the heretic vs code editor.

Wait for stallman to get a heart attack or a stroke from this.

  • 3
    Nope! Visual Studio is the TANK you definitly want to use! (of course not)
  • 3
    The C# compiler and vscode are both open sauce tho
  • 1
    @inaba but not "endorsed" by the quirky mofocka
  • 2
    I used VS Code pretty heavily for Go before GoLand (or Gogland before it) was a thing.

    I don't understand the hate, and I can only attribute it to people thinking their preferred method of text editing is better "just because", as well as people damning a program because of the company associated without actually putting it through any use.

    Or this is a joke and my pre-coffee state of mind is incapable of humor.
  • 0
    @hugh-mungus vim has nothing to do with rms tho
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  • 1
    I just wanted to say, VS code is literally the best thing made in the past decade. Thank you.. *drops mic
  • 0
    @Patt a text editor? Really? Mhhhhhm
  • 0
    @hugh-mungus GNU is the majority (and origin) of the software, standards, and system architecture though. Credit where due.
  • 1
    GNU'd just like to interGNU for a GNUment. What you’re GNUing to as GNU, is in fact, GNU/GNU, or as GNU's recently taken to GNUing it, GNU plus GNU. GNU is not an GNU GNUstem unto itGNU, but rather another GNUree GNU of a fully GNUing GNU GNUstem made GNUful by the GNU GNUlibs, GNU GNUtilties and vital GNU GNUponents GNUing a full GNU OS as GNUed by GNU. Many GNU GNUers run a GNUified GNUrsion of the GNU GNUstem every GNU, without GNUing it. Through a GNUuliar turn of GNU, the GNUrsion of GNU which is GNUly used today is often called “GNU”, and many of its GNUers are not GNU that it is GNUically the GNU GNUstem, GNUed by the GNU ProjGNU. There really is a GNU, and these GNUple are GNUing it, but it is GNU a GNU of the GNUstem they use. GNU is the GNU: the GNU in the GNUstem that GNUs the GNU’s GNU to the other GNU that you GNU. The GNU is a GNUtial GNU of an GNU GNUstem, but GNUless by itGNU; GNU can only GNUtion in the GNUtext of a GNUplete GNU GNUstem. GNU is GNUmally used in combiGNUtion with the GNU GNU GNUstem: the whole GNUstem is GNUsically GNU with GNU added, or GNU/GNU. All the so-called “GNU” distribGNUtions are really distribGNUtions of GNU/GNU.
  • 1
    @filthyranter you GNUed me into GNUblivion!!
  • 1
    @AleCx04 GNU GNU'd GNU intGNU obGNUion.
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