Our teacher is the best... His code (nula means zero):

  • 4
    Looks like they are just avoiding magic numbers in the code. Also changing a var name is much easier than doing a find and replace on a number...
  • 4
    I guess PROGRAMU means PROGRAM.
  • 2
    @thesagya yep
  • 1
    @JustLOLo BTW which language is it?
  • 1
    @ladiesman yeah, i am student so... it is arduino
  • 2
    @thesagya It is Arduino
  • 2
    @thesagya it's kód programu which means program's code or code of program ... the u at the end of the word program means that something belongs to it...

    Čau šici :D odkál ste?
  • 3
    18... hm... stredná/gympel? Sem podávau prihlášku TUKE tak sem sa steu spýtať čo sa dá Košicách robiť ale zebrali ma na VUT Brne takže ništ 😂 ešte čakám aby ma zebrali na ČVUT Prahe bo to je hlavný cíl :D
  • 2
    @D3add3d stredná elektrotechnická :D
  • 2
    Slovakia here
    Tiež... Spolužiaci
  • 0
    @JustLOLo @GoodRockqq pekne, ja som na 8-ročnom všeob. štúdiu na GymGol, NR :)
  • 0
    @ladiesman what are you even talking about? 😂😂😂 Yes it says motorPin = 5 on the screenshot but nobody else was talking about it
  • 0
    @ladiesman i was using arduino deumilanove, but i have uno too, soo yeah.. and it was just trying to do something with not servo, but one-direction motor... so simple, i don't have code right now so...
  • 4
    That bracket on a new line is painful as well 🤦🏽‍♂️
  • 2
    @eeee yea, i hate it too -_-
  • 3
    Have to "love" shittysofts (microsofts) style of programming
  • 1
    Aj este su lidie ako ja. Som byvala so slovakami takze som minimalne naucila.
    Still can't write well haha sorry for butchering your language!!^^
  • 1
    @aerfromenes you butchered it more than Geralt butchered the bandits in Blaviken XD
  • 0
    @aerfromenes no problem :D this is so good writing in Slovak language, when you were just learning language for some time, it is so hard to learn, no just for you but for Slovak people too.. belive me, i know what i am saying :D
  • 1
    @D3add3d that is right :D omg i love witcher 3 :D i play it really often, i should do more programing but nwm :D
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