
Why yes we have these nine types of transactions mocked. See? The factories make CSV data just like we get in those gigantic CSV files every day that are like ultra-important or whatever.

Wait, you want to actually use the data? to create records? Like build a record like we do in the code? Nonononono that won’t work! Why? Why!? You want us to actually MOCK the data, like make it look real AND MAKE IT PASS VALIDATION? Are you CRAZY!? THERES LIKE THIRTY COLUMNS THERE! No way. No no no way. If you want to do that, you’re on your own. But make sure you don’t break anything with your “improvements” or it’s on you.

Also, all of this is going away soon, so make sure you don’t do anything unnecessary, like mocking all that data. (It’s been “going away” for well over a year now…)


  • 7
    "mocking some data"

    You are terrible data. I am not sure we have seen worse data in the history of data. In the future other data will ashamed to talk about you. Deleting you would be too good for you. We will write zeros to any partition you existing in and then burn the partition with fire. You are fired data.
  • 2
    @Demolishun took me a minute but lol 😂
  • 1
    Old, about-to-end processes almost never get updated. Usually, it is the hamfisted brickheads that stick to those stupid illogical wastes that get fired rather than having anything changed.
    Then, some poor bloke has to maintain the unsolvable mess and does it for a heartbeat or two until leaving the company.
    Then everything stops.
    Then, an overpaid tool builds up a whole new mess.
    It's the death cycle of letting business majors create operational processes.
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