"Work for me", client said, "I won't pay you but you will get some reputations for working with us" he added.

"Sorry, my body can't digest reputation", I replied.

  • 34
    "Does reputation pay my bills?"

    No? Ok then. There's your answer, you piece of shit. You wouldn't ask a surgeon to perform brain surgery on you solely for reputation. You wouldn't ask a lawyer to represent you in court for reputation. You wouldn't ask a mechanic to fix your car for reputation.
  • 16
    Of course you are free to not to pay me. Why would you have a different idea?

    I'd just prefer you to send the reputation in this account number with the reputation type of USD/EUR. As far as I've seen, one reputation translates to about 1500 USD/EUR so please be advised on how many reputations we agree upon.
  • 3
    Legal slavery? hehe 😂
  • 2
    this is the most stupid thing a client has ever said !
  • 6
  • 5
    But you can digest money?
  • 2
    Look a dead project up there XD ... Reputation what a shiti social thing
  • 4
    @iamroot of course, don't tell me I have been doing it wrong all this time?
  • 1
    Hey build my house for free and I'll tell my neighbors how great you did k thx bai
  • 1
    Time to make a coin call REP, you can totally pay me with reputation 😂
  • 0
    Perfect reply. I will literally use it the next time.
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