

If one more person stomps in the library, I will take off my shoe and throw it at them. 🤬

  • 5
    HL2 multiplayer top left corner of the screen:

    NoMad 👟 => LibraryVisitor ☠️
  • 5
    could become problematic if _three_ more people are stomping
  • 6
    next level: take that person's shoe off and throw it at them.
  • 3
    @netikras can't find the video, but there was a rapper that was like 'Do not touch my Nike's bla bla bla'. So some other rapper made him take of his shoes and did everything with the shoe you can even imagine and many people touched it :P Touching his Nike's seemly didn't have consequences at all. The original song 'My Nike's' is the best music the Netherlands has to offer: https://youtube.com/watch/...
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