Will happen:
- Leave current shitho...job and join something exciting
- Draw at least 1 manga chapter, im fine if its a one shot or something, i just wanna do it
- Master ocaml
- Move to a big city

Will happen, just not necessarily in 100wks:
- Arduino up my car
- Start a company
- Have at least one open source project that is somewhat successful. Id be more than happy with like 20 stars on github. Currently working on a REST backend generator, that might be big.
- Get a cat.

I hope will happen at least sometime:
- Move to USA
- Finish a Volkswagen collection
- Have a career as an anonymous dubstep artist

  • 4
    Fucking sweet. When you move here I want to be the first to buy you a beer!!
  • 2
    @AleCx04 of course, thats the plan

    @AlexDeLarge more than happy is the least of peoples concerns regarding me. Homicidal sociopath? Yeah. More than happy? Eh.
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