
I was wondering about switching from android dev to ios dev.
Any idea about this?
Do you recommand or not?

  • 5
    fuck. java.

    i would take swift over java anyday, and thats from experience with both. however, i work in xamarin now - which is cross platform and uses c# which is much better than swift and java in my opinion, minus a few ups and downs.
  • 7
    @mkdirLuci4 aye eat a dick, java rocks

    But no, dont go for ios, both swift and obj c are garbage, flutter or react native are better alternatives.
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    @sharktits react native++
  • 4
    It depends.

    First off, if your just looking for a development outlook then I would say Swift is nicer than Java. The development env in iOS seems better and the iOS simulator is WAY better. But the app rules and review process for iOS is much stricter.

    In terms of revenue generation there are 2 sides to this coin.

    1. There are something like 3 times the number of Android devices than iOS. (This number is greatly padded because of easy access to cheap hardware in developing countries)

    2. iOS App Store (while having 1/3 of the devices) generates more revenue than Google Play store.

    While he second point might change over time it is good to consider this... if a person can spend $1,000 on a device then they will likely be more willing to buy a paid app. The same goes for high end Android phones but the multitude of cheap device users will likely never use your app unless it is free.

    Ps. This is not a slight or a diss. Just a business revenue evaluation.
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    @leanrob is admob factored in to that tho? I read a lot of these articles but none of em mentioned admob, and most of the android titles generate revenue from ads.
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    @sharktits Usually the AdMob is not in the statistics used in studies from what I have found.

    This seems to be the way of Android.

    Even when an app is paid on iOS often it is free or “free” with ads on Android because the developers know there is no way that users pay for the app. (Or use a cracked version)

    I wonder how many android users are ok with these ads all over the place? Any comment Android users?

    Personally when I see an iOS app with ads I cringe a little, it doesn’t stop me from using the free simple games that have them but if I ever saw a legitimate app (not game) from a company (ex. A task manager etc) with ads then I would likely move away from it.

    Very good point though and worth sharing. Thanks!
  • 6
    Why not learn it and do both? You don't have to switch and quit one completely. I do both. I prefer Android because xcode is the largest pile of garbage ever created, but if someone is willing to pay me I'm willing to make them an iOS app.
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    @ryanmhoffman you are totally right
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    @leanrob as a dedicated android user - i refuse to most of anything with ads. I will do what is needed to remove the ads everytime, and without paying.
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