
I have a mate who downloaded encryption software that he somehow managed to use to encrypt almost every system file in windows, now the entire thing is fucked, like how can anyone be that stupid? Like before he even did that he tried encrypting the .exe of the encryption software and guess how that went

  • 5
    now let him learn how to fix it or pay someone who does
  • 5
    Don't worry, the last time he fucked up he tried to test a prank that puts a shutdown script in the start up of a computer, took me a few hours to get a live boot USB to fix the damn thing, so I've told him he can do it himself for being so stupid
  • 3
    @hidden yeah, people have to learn how to fix their mistakes :)
  • 6
    Aye, the only reason I helped the last time was because he had stuff from his work on it, and I sorta felt sorry for him, but this time he can sort himself, though I must admit I'm curious to see how he'll decrypt a 256 bit encryption without remembering the password
  • 0
    lol, I laughed, already did something like this 😂😂 .. lesson learned 😂
  • 3
    @hidden wait... So he installed some silly encryption software online, encrypted every fucking file on the computer with 256bit encryption, and cant even remember the damn password?!?!? I'm pretty sure it's illegal to use a computer if your IQ is below 90... 😜
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