
What is the best/ cheap hosting for portfolio and multiple projects under one hosting? I need advice . I was thinking about using namecheap.com for the domain but what would you recommend for hosting?

  • 1
    Use glitch. Its free to use for small projects.

    OFC it depends upon how much load you want to handle
  • 0
    @py2js what’s glitch?
  • 1
    It's a hosting provider
  • 1
    How cheap? What technologies?
    Anything that needs python, node, ruby, non pho or .net, will be very limited if free or cheap.

    I would recommend vultr for cheap VPS (scalable)
    There are also shared hostings for php and static stuff that are about 20 USD with unlimited (reasonable) storage/usage like stackcp, ecowebhosting (I resell this one)
  • 1
    I use Vultr combined with ServerPilot.io - makes it easier to administer.
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