What's the most reliable and affordable cloud storage/backup for Windows 10 available in the EU? I have a couple of terabytes of data I want to backup.

  • 4
    Yandex disk cot 3TB, https://360.yandex.com/disk/ thats what I use
  • 3

    Looks promising. Thanks for the tip!
  • 1
    I used to use Tresorit
  • 0

    Was it any good? Why did you stop using it?
  • 0
    > cloud

    > reliable

    you're funny.

    doing stuff in "The Cloud" always means

    1) you're basically gifting all your data to a profit-addicted corporation

    2) you're at said corporatios whim, because they could just drop all of your data without you being able to do anything against it.

    either it's in your control, or it's not a valid backup target.
  • 0
    @tosensei all of this sounds cool until your external HDDs suddenly die n you lose years of memories
    a physical media failure is way more likely than a corporate randomly deleting your stuff
  • 0
    @azuredivay if you lose your data because your backup failed, then it wasn't actually a backup. which is a whole different topic.

    but as a single target of my backup strategy, i still trust my NAS at home significantly more than i would trust any cloud solution.
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