
how do you devs deal with computer/screen headaches?

I’m a CS student, and last year at my software internship i had a pounding headache literally every day at work (worked 40 hours a week). I started drinking like 6 bottles of water a day and popping advil like candy, but i want to avoid them this summer.

any of you l33t vet devs have any secret tricks for these?

thx thx

  • 3
    Get some Gunnars? Reduce the blue light setting? (Only if you're not doing front end stuff). Most importantly:

  • 5
    I checked my eyesight. Turns out i needed glasses. No problems now.
  • 0
    Dim screens , frequent blinking, giving break to eyes every thirty forty minutes
  • 2
    also check your chair, some ppl told me they get headache because of a bad chair :/
  • 1
    I personally like tee or "punch" to drink. And try to find some activity to relax. It's not all work and dev!
  • 0
    You can try anti glare / some rays protection specs zero number
  • 0
    Ketogenic diet stopped my headaches. They come back when I eat carbs or do coding all nighters.
  • 0
    Ample sleep works wonders
  • 1
    Good quality chair,eye drops, water and majijuana (as for exercising, thinking about it is enough to get me cracking a sweat and feeling thursty).
  • 0
    Polyphasic sleep
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