Senior devs out there, please be supportive to juniors. Don't treat them bad just because they don't know as much as you do. Guide them and help them learn and grow as devs. That'll make your company (and/or the community) a better place to work at, because everyone will be a better dev, and you might learn and grow in the process as well.

  • 3
    Never! I help them build character.
  • 4
    Agreed. But to be fair if you're a junior and your technical skills are lacking, I hope you are doing something outside of work to improve. There's no reason anyone should have to tell you how to instantiate a variable in a language you're learning 5+ times.
  • 0
    @unmarked how did he/ she even get the job in the first place if you can’t instantiate a variable ?
  • 2
    @freeme new to the language, was hired based on skills with another language. We also put learning opportunities over knowing everything right off the bat. 🤷‍♀️
  • 2
    My seniors guides me and they are not mean but helpful and polite. I guess I work in a different environment
  • 1
    @unmarked I do that a lot. Because I can. But please remember that there are people that might not be able to do that (they might have children or family to take care of, for example). That doesn't make them worst devs.
  • 0
    @py2js you are very lucky.
  • 2
    How about this.. I'll be more supportive of juniors as soon as they drop their attitude and get the hell on board. Deal?
  • 1
    @segfault0xff what kind of attitude?
  • 1
    @freeme for the most part they're fine.. I've dealt with a few doozies.
  • 1
    Precisely my man. Kudos to you.
  • 0
    @segfault0xff that's fair. Although, I'd say that might be a problem with your hiring process. You should try to filter those out.
  • 2
    I had a coworker with a bad attitude. Not only to junior devs but to senior devs as well.
  • 1
    @shellbug not my call lol I just work there
  • 1
    @py2js you are very lucky mate
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