Here's a thought...

If AI get human rights, and someone destroys the machine, will it be considered destruction of property OR murder...

  • 5
    If the robot was someone's property wouldn't that be against human rights? Meaning that it couldn't be considered destruction of property
  • 4
    I don't forsee AI getting human rights. But destroying it (without rights) would be destruction of property.
  • 0
    @Alice Your absolutely right! I don't actually see AI having Human Rights at all and when I think murder, I think blood.
  • 1
    Who knows.. I guess it depends on what laws they write after humanity's subjugation.
  • 0
    @Bobj2008 so if they don't bleed you won't give them human right? Okay we will keep a container of blood inside them so if you destroy them there will be blood everywhere, happy now.
  • 1
    @py2js they're not human, why would they get human rights?
  • 1
    @segfault0xff not the point of my comment. I was just being sarcastic about it.
  • 0
    @py2js gotcha 😅
  • 0
    it depends on if it uses blockchain or not
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