
Do coding test for Vue.js job, because I don't want to work with shitty Angular anymore.

HR person sends React test, with some random string manipulation question in vanilla JavaScript.

I don't do React, but tried the test anyway. Better than shitty Angular.

Told her uhm this is the wrong framework...

I hate web dev.

  • 3
    DIFFERENT framework "but i did it anyway, i hope I've done good while I of course wasn't expecting that".

  • 4
    > I hate web dev.

    Amen, brother
  • 2
    I don't really hate web dev in general, but I do hate that the challenge is non-existent.
  • 6
    @cuddlyogre oh, there is a challenge. The challenge is to not go insane.
  • 5
    @cuddlyogre how is web dev less challenge than any other app these days? Everything happens on servers. Backend is a broad thing.
  • 2
    @cuddlyogre I feel you there, last time I wanted to do something fun (making sure google maps performed properly) I was told that "it's not a montessori" even though it had been an issue before with "large" clients, and we had just rewritten it and without it, it would have been a problem again
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    @retoor I do everything in my job. I mean EVERYTHING. If the role is remotely connected to the technical aspect of keeping a website online, I do it. The only thing I don't do is design.

    I miss the days when I didn't know what I was doing. There's almost nothing I do in a day that I don't already have a solution for now.
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    @BordedDev Explain the montessori thing in a development context.
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    @cuddlyogre Dude was upset I didn't do something exactly the way he wanted, so now he was saying he needs to run things like a "montessori" (kids school) aka being a micromanaging little bitch
  • 5
    I get the impression that HR is a bad category. Recruitment demands domain knowledge, awareness of everything the company does, and an atmosphere of transparency, but the rest of HR's responsibilities require emotional intelligence and an atmosphere of trust and safety, and no HR person I ever met was above average in either.
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    @lorentz Yeah the HR person who I am dealing with started off talking about Angular and I was like I thought this was a Vue.js job. Told her I won't work with Angular lmao. Fuck Angular
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    @retoor the problem for me with web dev is mainly JavaScript. I hate how it is used for server-side stuff. It feels hacky and wrong although I am guilty of using it server-side. Dilemma...
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    @cuddlyogre ah, I understand that. I flourished it up a little by applying creative programming on purpose. Doing more stuff myself instead of existing tooling. Just to keep it fun. Beneficial for the product? Meh. Does it make happeeehh? Yes. And fun it's all about. More important than anything else. Why even do it if it's not fun. I also don't design. God thank gpt. Gpt actually creates exactly the kind of style I want, smart casual. Not too fancy, I hate bloated designs. It only has to look decent, not very beautiful or hard in maintaining.
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    @int32 yeah, I don't know what it is. I used express sometime with some orm and it worked great but somehow python attracts me way more while I'm having fun javascript for frontend too. Don't know where my bias exactly comes from. The fantasy to have frontend and backend in the same language is nice, but in reality I like them having their own language as a clear border between them.
  • 1
    > shitty Angular

    Hey è_é!
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