Beware of office politics. Take it from me. Beware whom you trust in the workplace. Sometimes you won't detect it and they will prey on your innocence. You thought they're good but really is not. Back stabbers.

  • 1
    Can't forget those past coworkers whew
  • 0
    @Yamemori spot on mate. I had a past mistake in my previous company adding coworkers in my Facebook. That's a no no situation.
  • 3
    Office can be like a school yard. There is no being happy with all of them. Exceptionally, maybe. But mostly it's childish shit going on..^^
  • 1
    God I hate shitty politics. If people stopped being petty and actually did their job every now and then, we'd actually get shit done for a change
  • 3
    I'm both very good at reading people, and rather misanthropic. No office friends for me. 🙂
  • 1
    @Root made me google a new word 😋😋
  • 1
    @sladuled 😊

    A bit of a tangent, but: I enjoy using archaic and neglected words. It's fun.
  • 1
    @kgbemployee misan..sthsth.. figured what it was from 'knowing' @Root but wanted to check anyways.. xD
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