Hubby and I work for the same company. His boss is a twat who's always trying to fire him. Told my hubby's boss he needed to be more clear with expectations and bring issues up before he gets pissed and can't respond appropriately. Then I walk away. Then I email him apologizing for taking to him and that I'm not planning to talk to him again.

That little bitch went to HR and said he felt threatened by me, demanded that I be required to work from home. My boss said no.

Aaaaaaahahahahahahahahahha 😂

  • 10
    That was probably one of the few times in his life someone spoke critically of him. Of course he would interpret that as a life-threatening situation! You ought to be glad he didn't call the police on you, you just can't abuse people like that!

  • 2
    Nice xD Its also really cute that you and your husband works at the same company :)
  • 2
    You absolute boss.
  • 0
    @Jantho1990 he seems to have a low tolerance for someone telling him he sucks. Oops, I awoke the perpetually-stuck-in-middle-management beast 😂
  • 1
    @c3ypt1c not anymore, he quit 😣 dealing with the extreme depression now
  • 1
    @1nfinite he can go right ahead and try to fuck with me. Dude's a cunt, doesn't know who he's messing with. My connections would eat him for breakfast 😂
  • 1
    @unmarked im not surprised he quit. Like you said, his boss was a dick :/ still sad though.
  • 0
    @fuck2code oh trust, that's what I'm doing. It sucks but we're doing it. He's going to go work on our cabin with his dad next week, so that should help. And I'm finding him a therapist. Wish us luck 🙂
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