Me: hello IE, you see that div with id?
IE: ...... ..... .... yes.
Me: would you like to set it as absolute and stick to bottom?
IE: ........... i don't know...
Me: but all the other guys like chrome and firefox are doing it.. come on it's not object-fit: cover; just absolute positioning. Please.
IE: ......... I can't!
Me: why the fuck not??
IE: ......because I don't see the id...

  • 11
    Me: IE, why are you so short?

    IE: I'm as tall as I want to be.

    Me: But you're squishing everything inside. Common, at minimum be 1px.

    IE: Ok, I can do it! Here I go full height!
  • 18
    Honestly, fuck IE. Don't support it. Add a banner saying "upgrade to a good browser, heres a list of 100 alternatives". Fucking Lynx does a better job than IE.
  • 10
    @Proximyst i Wish i could! We still have to support IE11 and the amount of clients reporting bug in IE11 every day is fucking unbelievable! (Not just ie, I've seen clients complaining that the site doesn't render nicely in ie7, not a typo, SEVEN. In 2018 april)
  • 3
    Either devs and companies kill IE and stop supporting it, or Microsoft does. It will probably be the latter.
  • 7
    I dont even take IE into consideration when i make websites. If people use IE and tell me the site looks bad, i dont want to deal with them anyway :)
  • 0
  • 2
    we are currently working on an outsourcing project and thank God the customer said we should only support Chrome so we don't have to deal with bullsh*ts like this 😌😌
  • 1
    Don't use ID's as selectors unless you absolutely have to. Try throwing a class on there instead?
  • 0
    @TheHanna i absolutely have to
  • 0
    @dontbeevil it's sad how many people still use IE when this is true.
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