
I love my notebook but still...

Fuck you to the person at Lenovo who thought that it would be a great idea to support 16gb of ram and then put 4gb internal ram into it.
I can add an 8gb stick to it, totalling at 12gb. There are no 12gb sticks (as far I am aware of) so yeah, fuck 16gb "supported" by the mainboard, 12 is the maximum.

  • 0
    @arcticwhite Lenovo v510
  • 0
    But doesn't every manufacturer do that? Boards just can handle more than 4gb RAM in general but if you are buying cheap laptop they won't put 16gb in it.

    Would sound just stupid if someone did boards that handle less than 16gb in 2018.
  • 4
    @okkimus yeah my board supports 16 gig but the 4 gig are soldered in place and there is one additional slot (where untill now a 4 gig stick resided)
  • 3
    Ah the soldering part is just the worst thing. Now I get it! I feel bad for you :(
  • 0
    Lol i feel you
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