
Not programming relevant.

Humans are assholes. Last week was my birthday. First my mom need to remember my sisters and grandma. Last only send a WhatsApp message for my birthday. Saturday I want to celebrate with some friends. Some didn't respond, one decline because of health issues (was ok). At least 9 people including me. But only after 2.5h (8pm) the designated driver was "tired" and take 3 more people with. So they didn't take a walk or drive by Taxi, but went fucking partying at another place...

Half of family nearly forget my birthday and a bunch of "friends" are real jerks.

  • 6
    Birthdays are overrated the only reason people remember my birthday is coz they want a party from me only reason I wish them on their birthday is coz I want a party from them.
  • 0
    Last year this was no problem at all, even with shitty weather.
  • 3
    So I'm the only who don't give single F to others on my birthday? I totally don't care about wishes, gifts etc or even party. I always go and grab shitloads of ice cream and eat all alone.
  • 1
    I avoid humans on my birthday. Most times I take a personal day and refuse to let anyone from work know why I'm off that day. It's near enough to a holiday that most people assume I'm looking for a long weekend.

    IMHO, the best birthday is a bottle of liquor a night to yourself and a drunk branch.
  • 0
    the ones who know my birthday, cant forget it because its too easy to remember.
  • 0
    i have an palindrom as birthday and -month. @Alice
  • 1
    we should be more honest with ourselves, saying what we want from the get go.

    @thevariableman throw a party and call me
  • 1
    I invited five friends to my birthday at last Friday and just one of them came, but it was still great :)
  • 0
    @vhoyer only if u do first
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