"Click all squares with vehicle"

I'm pretty sure there is no vehicle!
Is this what captchas have evolved too?

  • 26
    There is a car on the signal
  • 2
    I stream a lot of stuff on the internet on various sites bc I don't wanna pay for netflix so I often have to do those, if you are lucky you can do 2 of those to access your resource.
  • 1
    Top right corner?
  • 0
    @ryanmhoffman that's a example of how a car looks like
  • 9
    I'm convinced Google is using us to verify their algos for their driving computer vision tech.

    Your CAPTCHA are now being used for private industry. Remember when reCAPTCHA was used to help digitize books in the public domain?
  • 3
    @djsumdog don't worry they are just using those to train skynet
  • 2
    @ArtNo yeah. Google+Facebook is slowly becoming skynet
  • 2
    I'm pretty sure it says somrthing like this under "Fordon":
    "Continue when there are none"
  • 0
    @HampusMa /r/whoooosh
  • 1
    Im pretty sure that's a car on that sign under the bicycle. 😂
  • 2
    The person who took the picture was in a car looking through the glass windscreen so the whole of the picture contains a vehicle.
  • 1
    Simply seeing that there is no car and clicking skip is a small difference to distinguish humans from scripts that try to go around recaptchas, not saying that it's not garbage tho
  • 0
    @HampusMa yes but it's a square with a vehicle in it.
  • 1
    That’s the fucking point. You must press skip :facepalm:
  • 0
    Hoppa over 😂
  • 1
  • 0
    Obviously this man is a robot thats why he cannot see the car in the middle of the picture.
  • 0
    @sigfried I am pretty sure „hoppa övr“ means skip (if there are no cars)
  • 0
    Du måste hoppa över!
  • 0
    I see it, you sure you are not a robot?
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