
I now that this can be a sort of business, but why Avast will suggest an abonnement where you pay more at the end?
Abbonamento = Abonnement
Anno = Year
Mese = Month
Consigliato = Recommended

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    Why is the screenshot like that? I've seen a few like that on devrant (white background, crude black rounded rectangle, and then a mac window)
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    @davide It's not a devrant problem itself. I mean the actual image looks like that. I'm just wondering why the screenshot looks that way.
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    Seems reasonable to suggest that new customers only sign up for a year imho, not all customers want to tie themselves to a service for a longer period (Which is why companies offer discounts for the customers who choose long term plans)
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    @DrPitLazarus the real image doesn't look like that. Devrant add the frame
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    @davide Really? Why does devrant need to add the frame?
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    Chris Nodder, Evil by design. You can get it on Amazon, even in italian, and it will tell you all these tricks
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    @DrPitLazarus hey bro... keep calm 😃
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    @DrPitLazarus I think this happens only with devrant webapp
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    @davide I am calm :)

    I think I've only seen it happen to macs.
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    Perché mai dovresti scegliere Avast?
    Why the hell should you choose Avast?
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    @iamgio Dammi alcuni motivi per cui non dovrei utilizzarlo. Lo uso da ormai 12 anni e mi sono sempre trovato molto bene
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    @davide Per i pochi mesi in cui l'ho usato l'ho trovato parecchio lento e fastidioso.
    Personalmente non uso antivirus, tengo solo MBAM per delle scansioni occasionali.
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    @iamgio tra tutti gli antivirus che ho provato avast è l'unico con cui non ho problemi. Mia sorella usava AVG e aveva pirni di problemi. In ditta usavamo Avira ma erano più le volte che trovava falsi positivi. Una buona alternativa sarebbe Nod32... ma avast è come un figlio per me ormai haha. Malwarebytes anti malware lo uso anche io per scansioni occasionali
  • 2
    Huh, very weird, we'll look into it
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