

The subject you fuckin teach is networks, not fuckin C programming.

Why the hell am i supposed to make your multithreaded client/server in fuckin C.


  • 3
    Because then you will understand better how networks work. Chill man
  • 3
    i know how they work, i have done exactly the same thing in python but nooooooo, he wants it in C because he knows just C.
  • 1
    Treat it as an experience man :) When I was doing my thesis I had to struggle making android app for managing some devices. I hated it everyday bcs it was not interesting for me at a time.

    Now one year after graduation I was applying for a java dev role but didnt make it. However same recruiter offered me android dev position just because there was one field in my cv saying that I did android :)

    You never know man.
  • 1
    @zemaits haha thats awesome!
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