What the fuck is stopping you from living your wildest dream?

  • 7
    My wildest dreams? The laws of physics mostly. Plus, even if it was possible, I wouldn't know how to get hold of a panda....
  • 5
    waking up
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    I'm living it.
  • 6
    can't find all the dragon ballz
  • 7
  • 3
    Something else is always more important.
  • 3
    idiots exist, and they are the majority.
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    myself I guess

    and fitting in properly in the logistics of the universe to make it happen which sounds like a hassle

    suppose that's what all that karma stuff is about

    it just seems like such a hassle to try to navigate karma. would take time and I'm lazy. could also hurt while you adjust yourself into the correct position

    so I guess I'm just taking the slower path to what I want
  • 0
    Inspiration. Or inspirational people.

    Maybe that I recently haven't met any truly inspirational people that have made it seem attractive to leave my comfortable life for my wildest dream. At the moment the safe and comfy life seems quite nice.

    (And no - it's not the lack of watching youtube entrepreneurs like simon squibb)
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