
Would you be interested in Coding or Hacking CTF livestreams?

  • 1
    @ewpratten any links?
  • 1
    yay nice
  • 2
    Definite yes on the CTF!
  • 1
    I’ve always thought about doing livestreams of coding, but absolutely no idea what I’d do on them, and it’s not like I can do client work on them... 😂
  • 1
    yeah for hacking there are ctfs.. but coding?
  • 0
    Showing my age here, but what is CTF? I know it as capture the flag in quake 1.
  • 2
    CTF doesn't necessarily have to have 2 teams (it's usually so in competitions), it could be that you have a Linux box or so and you have to gain root access to it
    Not restricted to just this, a CTF defines what their goal is
  • 0
    @ramen woah yeah sounds nice. But I've never done that before...
  • 0
    @ramen was talking about how it goes in competitions
    Also there are some where there aren't any teams as such, people individually do the CTF challenge in it
  • 0
    @ramen it's alright mate
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