So out of curiosity, does anyone here with a computer science degree actually use any of the non-programming classes you had to take for your degree?

All those damn hours studying calculus and discrete math (ugh, I hated induction).. Not to mention biology, organic chem, history... Ugh

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    Great point, discrete math left some mental scars.
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    sorry to point out but yes. even you use these damn dm, calculus etc, though you may be unaware.
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    I think everything you learn is what makes you unique. You may combine the knowledge hidden in your brain into some new idea or solution.
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    Knowing how to do math is never a bad thing. Plus it's more about the logic and how you approach finding a solution, rather than just "learning calculus".
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    I do use a lot of math (linear algebra, numerical methods etc) with my code and helps a lot with writing better code :)
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    Discrete math made me change careers for 10-15 years :) I somehow ended up in IT doing some dev work anyway but with math it's a lost cause forever once you don't learn some small part in time.
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    Iam not in computer science. I am in managemment and engineer of information systems, but i think some very rare classes about economics and management will be a help if one i dicide to create a company.
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    I have a bachelor in cs and I never had to do any history, chemistry, biology or math... Though I had to do other classes that had to do with writing documents that I dont really use.. 😊
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    discrete maths does help and you use it every day without knowing. It's all about logic
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    try to draw inspiration from the non related classes.
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    Getting interest into machine learning I must say that I regret every second I wasn't full focused on calculus lessons. Also even tho it wasn't interesting, any scientific oriented class helps shaping the mind to think in ways that makes the reasoning on this subject easier.
    You don't need calculus or discrete math to be a full stack tho. Just need jquery </troll>
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