I die a little when I see inline styles
Don't do that please

  • 3
    Google wants you to inline css above-the-fold conetent though.
  • 1
    @WhAtEvErYoUmEaN it's ok if you have the CSS in a file. But that file should only contain the CSS of the above the fold content. So inline is not needed.
  • 2
    If it’s just 1 element or few of them then I think it’s fine
  • 1
    Sometines that is necessary though. Like if I want to use the background color for something that happens when you click on it by getting the background color value with js, it only works with inline!
  • 1
    @Conrad or if you're using a shitty CMS that doesn't allow 100% CSS modification, but allows JavaScript, then inline is your best bet
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