
Just registered two new domains. Will be writing two new services tonight 😃

I'm happy yay 😊

  • 18
    One note-keepish thing and a swear word/sentence generator haha!
  • 5
    How about a service for making a URL looking suspicious and phishy as well but is actually legit?
  • 2
    @justasithlord What do you mean exactly? 😬
  • 2
    One of the domains is one where I can put all my projects under :D
  • 2
    @linuxxx you know how attackers make a legit looking URL to Phish users but is malicious actually? I'm talking about a reverse of that. A long URL, which looks suspicious from the very beginning but is actually just benign
  • 6
    @ewpratten it exists!!!! I'm gonna use this so terribly *evil laughter*
  • 3
    @linuxxx have a look at standardnotes for note keeping for ideas.
  • 3
    @szeyu welcome fellow dutchie!
  • 2
    @ewpratten Very difficult to do well
  • 0
    @xalaliah Yes of course :D
  • 1
    @xalaliah Oh you'd actually be interested in using it?

    By the way, I'm writing the backend as we speak :D
  • 1
    @linuxxx I'm also interested in swear generator, what an intriguing idea!
  • 0
    @xalaliah Also, what kinda features would you be looking for? I'm adding client side encryption but except for that, I'd love to hear suggestions!

    Oh and it'll first solely be a web interface and an api!
  • 0
    @xalaliah I definitely did not see that one coming but it sounds great!

    Those features will take time as I'm a backender/server/security engineer and barely know front end but I'll try my best :D
  • 0
    @xalaliah Right now I'm working on the security. Implementing login/registration/anti brute force protection and more :) (for all those seeing this, yes, BCrypt will be used!)
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    @xalaliah Would you be available for testing by the way?
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    @fuck2code I have been doing research and it's said that hmac doesn't provide much better security over BCrypt and neither does SCrypt. Correct me if I'm wrong, though!
  • 1
    @linuxxx I'm also up for testing!
  • 0
    @fuck2code and @linuxxx regarding markdown support or any other support (vim like syntax, js or any other language support and other helper front end utilities) I would suggest keep them separate from core editor. These kind of utilities (or plugins) can be atomic and user should be able to select on front end (like I want js and vim support and nothing else). This will allow to keep front end light, user customizable. And later allow community to develop plugins to interact with your core editor (being API based core helps). Having modular online note editor would be amazing. (I thought it off vim actually, have long running wish to have something similar like vim {not just editor but ecosystem and community} would be awesome)

    Just a suggestion!! 😃
  • 0
    @Alice to bad i cant copy comments. I like the idea of an urllongener. Might even write one.
  • 0
    With API?
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