
does anyone tried piracetam or other racetams for professional programming?
it works for me, in the dose ~ 10 grams

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    and then you're braindead or have dementia in your 50ties. no thanks.
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    @heyheni proof? my 50s is quite soon anyway...
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    This is new to me. I must look into it.

    I've love me some dextroamphetamine doe. I'm a very _focused_ worker.
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    racetams make your mind focused, why dementia? usually those demented comments are going from lack of knowledge... 😃
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    to be fair, nootropics are primarily marketed towards seniors "you don't want to be that grandma that forgets her grandson's name! You must buy these 60$ pills (for 2 weeks) which may or may not improve your memory. Studies haven't shown any consistent correlation but, some claim it works for them." My friend once told me he was a better driver after drinking. I had to agree but that might just be confirmation bias. XD
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    @rozzzly pills for 2 weeks cost me $10 (100 pills)
    as a CIO I can manage that money, can't I?
    ... and it actually works, also better with occasional alcohol hangover
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    many nootropics do have positive effects, how the method of action, interaction, dosages, etc, etc (literally 1,000s of variables) are not fully understood because of limited scientific studies. The FDA __does_not__ regulate so called "nutritional supplements," so shit is deceptively marketed all the time. Yet, some of them do work for some people. If you've got some extra $, go for it. Do you research. Look at Erowid and Bluelight.ru, best resources for looking into specifics of psychoactives.
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    @mxdpeep I don't know the specifics on that drug, but if you go to your local drug store, they'll have a full section of expensive ass "memory/brain pills" that are somewhat questionable.
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    @rozzzly I'm not 20, I was reading Erowid when you were not born :-D
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    @rozzzly I buy 100 % piracetam
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    my personal cocktail is:

    coffee, glucose, piracetam and vitamin C
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    Erowid was started in 1995. I was born in 1994.


    love the fact that devs were using the internets to get high 2 years before yahoo mail came out


    The best tools on the net are ones us devs want to use... because we're the ones that make 'em
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    @rozzzly I am online since 1994, and I am 1974 = 20 years older than you
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    congradz? hahah just (mostly) kidding. at least i'll live to see all of html5/CSS3 have 100% addoption on caniuse.com
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    @rozzzly you think Muslims use CSS3?
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    ....wtf lmao.
    Well erry1 knows muhammad proposed CSS version -307.74 so only the apostates would use that heretical devil magic you call the "modern". Everybody knows you should design your site in tables (made with sticks and mud).

    And you bet your unholy ass I did my research. Muhammad's assumed date of birth was (570-622)AD, average them you get 596AD then the years from now sinced then then by the average rate of major version proposal (a new CSS spec gets proposed every ~4.66 years)
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    The arabs did invent algebra, but `calc()` doesn't have much support yet so shhhh
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    @rozzzly nice Muslim hex color codes
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