class name for section named "liability" is "liab"
class name for section named "dedcutible" is "deduct"
class name for section named "personal property" is "personal-prop"
class name for section named "personal liability" is "personal-liab"

I don't know who you are, but you are a twisted evil teammate and I wish you fired.
You've ruined my day, hope you're happy.

  • 1
    Does anybody have restrictions on how much space the source code can occupy? If not, don't shorten your fucking names! Readability > size of source file.
    I wish more people would get this.

    Also camelcase or even snakecase is okay, but what is this?
  • 0
    @TobyAsE oh what are we living 1900? A fucking 1kb more size to source code won't hurt anyone. Also if you are sending people to space with this code then restrictions can apply
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