
When system smells that you're in hurry...

  • 2
    Oh you have to turn it in 15 minutes, let me just hang a bit around. 🤪
  • 6
    Get a ssd bruh
  • 1
    @copycat he probably already has one
  • 0
    Does anyone know the cause of this? I’m a sysadmin running into this as a recurring problem on desktop machines and it’s killing productivity.

    I’ve tried plenty of ‘turn off this service’ advice with no luck, mucked around in the event logs, and I haven’t been able to find a common denominator.
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    @jdevs do you ?
  • 0
    @copycat Nope, but if that solves this issue. Please suggest me one.
  • 1
    @jdevs I wholeheartedly suggest getting one . Samsung has some good ones I heard, I am no expert though.
  • 1
    @copycat thanks for suggesting, I'll probably get one soon
  • 1
    @Diactoros drivers are usually the problem in my experience.
  • 1
    I have simillar issue with HDD, but seems your is worse. I googled mine and it seems like a common Win10 bug. In my case it is even funnier, nothing uses the drive, but it goes 100%. People suggested changing some flags in register or buying SSD.
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