
Finally (sort of )completed my website for the first time ever.
Yay me!
Sorry for the useless post, but some of you should be able to relate.

  • 2
    Can we see?
  • 3
    What website is that?

    You aren't using Shopify or Squarespace, are you?
  • 2
    Show us the website, sir
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    @Jilano If thats his site then I would suggest he take it down immediately.
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    @credibleWanker almost everything selfcoded
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    @j4cobgarby check my profile.
    It's nothing special, really
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    @helloworld thanks. It's fine atm. I know, I'm not a wizard but it works.

    Do you have any specific reason why I should take it down? Or is it just your personal preference?
  • 1
    In my opinion, u should change the fonts of home/gallery/about me, and the copyright... or make the fonts a bit large... it is illegible right now 😕
  • 3
    @DjSall It just looks terrible on mobile
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    @DjSall Also your photos could do with a little enhancement. Left is your original/right is some minor tweaks.
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    @helloworld thanks for noticing the mobile scaling issue. The pictures are just placeholders atm, I'm just testing stuff out.
  • 1
    Still looks shit.
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    @Alice well, now I really feel like scrapping the whole thing. It doesn't scale to non-16:9 phones, seems like the only one who likes it is me. FeelsBadMan
  • 2
    Oh you took it down :(
    Anyway make sure to post your new and better website again. We will be waiting dude!
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    @Jilano thank you :)
  • 2
    I liked it :(
  • 1
    @Alice I didn't notice that, but it does sound like an issue
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    Tip, do not design with code. Design with design tools, once you are happy with layout, composition, typography etc. you can use that and switch on your code brain to make the design into code. It will save you time and you can focus on the css to underpin your design. Its pointless saying it looks good etc. you won’t learn from that. Honesty is best even if it hurts. But don’t be put off. It takes time to master things, and a lot of hours. Then when you think you are getting somewhere, the goalposts will change. I’m currently weighing up the switch to css grid, but maybe too soon for primetime. Never liked frameworks. Keep at it.
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