When a code sample is so obfuscated that it's almost better to leave it alone that to properly refactor it.

  • 4
    Pardon me good sire, I don't see the issue.
  • 1
    Me neither, sorry
  • 4
    I really don't see an issue. Its dense, not obfuscated.
  • 2
    The obfuscation I'm referring to is the structure of the couple ARN string splits and "temp" variable reassignments.

    A major improvement would be to detail helper methods for deconstructing these and passing back objects that can be used as look up tables.

    The code abstracts away the two simplest parts, "generateAllow" & "generateDeny". Small value and missed opportunities.
  • 2
    The first comment starts with "A simple [...]" how obfuscated can it be then?
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